According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Philippine-born migrants are among the top two sources of TB in the USA. The St. Luke’s Medical Center found that among those applying for migrant visa to the US, many come from Olongapo City in Luzon.
#ingaTBaga is a health promotion campaign, designed by CHSI Philippines, Inc. (CHSI) for the Olongapo City Health Department to find, treat, and prevent as many TB cases as possible. Sourcing additional funds from other development partners, CHSI has successfully received a grant from the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines to provide an ultra-portable chest X-ray machine to Olongapo City for community TB screening among the Aeta and urban poor residents. CHSI and the Olongapo City Health Department are bringing the ultra-portable chest X-ray machine to upland villages, workplace settings, and other areas with at-risk populations to easily detect TB cases using an artificial intelligence (AI) software.

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